Notes and Flyers

Saturday 17 March 2012
10.30am 4.00pm

The Parents & Citizens [P & C] Association is currently planning for the school fete.  We are asking each year level if they can assist by donating the items detailed below.  If you are able to help, please bring the items to school and there will be P & C members collecting them each morning in the undercover area near the tuckshop, starting on Monday 13 February 2012.

Year level
Date due
Stall Organiser
Lucky dips

[look at the blog for ideas]
Small items around the value of $4
Look in Crazy Clarks, Santa Maria, Dollars & Sense, supermarket
Friday 2 March
Sarah Duddridge
Cake Stall
Homemade cakes & slices
Bring to tuckshop on Friday 16 March
Danita Nixon
Block of chocolate minimum size of 170g.
Friday 9 March
Danita Nixon
Surprise Jars
[look at the blog for ideas]
Small items around the value of $4.
Look in Crazy Clarks, Santa Maria, Dollars & Sense, supermarket
Friday 2 March
Sarah Duddridge
6 & 7
Body Decorating
Coloured hair spray, strong hold hair gel, face painting crayons, face paint pots, coloured nail polish
Look in Crazy Clarks, supermarket, chemist
Friday 2 March
Danita Nixon

For the surprise jars we need lots of recycled glass jars with lids.  So please start collection your jars [e.g. pasta sauce jars, jam jars etc.]

We will also be asking for donations for a Trash & Treasure stall.  So if youve been looking for a reason to tidy-out your cupboards this is it!!  We are asking for books, toys, clothes, non-electrical kitchen and homewares all in good condition for sale.  Keep an eye on the newsletter and our blog for where & when we can receive these items.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to volunteer to help run a stall on the day, please contact the stall organiser [contact details listed above].  You can also email Danita Nixon [President] or text Rebecca Eckersley [Vice-President] on 0402 139 901.

If you would like to go on the list to receive emails detailing meeting times and working bees please email

We have also set-up a blog to make it easier to keep updated with the activities of the P & C.  All information regarding the fete is viewable at

Thank you for helping to make this an enjoyable and memorable event for our children.

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